Active Release Technique (ART)

ART is a non invasive, soft tissue manual therapy that focuses on reducing soft tissue restrictions that may cause pain and limit range of motion. It works by breaking up muscle and facial adhesions which are dense collections of scar tissue that build up when these structures are injured or overused. When scar builds, it may be the cause of your pain, stiffness, and reduced flexibility. ART can also be used to help alleviate nerve pain. Quite often, hypertonic or stiff muscles can compress nerves and cause shooting pain into the extremities.

It works by pinning the adhesion or “knots” in the muscle belly and actively moving the muscle through its range of motion from fully contracted to fully lengthened. We work down the entirety of the muscle triggering the muscle fibres to realign in their proper distribution.

Benefits of ART

  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased range of motion
  • Decreased back and neck pain
  • Relief of tension head aches
  • Management of carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and sciatica

Rock Tape

Rock Tape is a specific kinesiology tape that is used to treat a variety of sport and non sport injuries such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and back pain. For individuals with acute conditions, it helps prevent the specific movements that elicit pain. It works by microscopically lifting the skin away from the muscle and fascia below. It also helps support structures that have been injured such as ligaments for sprains and muscle tendons for strains.

Rock Tape has 3 main effects:

  1. Fluid – improving blood and lymphatic flow to injured area to promote healing
  2. Mechanical – improving slide and glide between tissue layers
  3. Neurological – alternating the perception of pain and body awareness

Signs you may need Rock Tape

  • Muscle pain and cramping
  • Joint pain
  • Poor posture
  • Inflammation and bruising