Five Ways to Reduce Low Back Pain While Cycling

Cycling competitively, to work or just for the enjoyment of it is an excellent way to keep in shape and enjoy the outdoors, but it’s no fun at all if your back hurts. Back pain or discomfort while riding a bicycle can result from various factors, such as poor riding posture, a poorly fit bicycle, [...]

2016-07-14T16:27:47+00:00July 14th, 2016|

The Breakthrough Research All Women Need To Know About

Research Press Release: Chiropractic care does impact pelvic floor control The results are in, the research report has been approved for publication [1], and we thought you’d like the scoop. This is big news for women and for chiropractors alike! • Chiropractic care can have an impact on pelvic floor muscles. • Pregnant women who [...]

2016-07-06T14:49:34+00:00July 6th, 2016|

NET’s Statement of Purpose

NET exists to alleviate human suffering through its disseminated technology to those who have chosen to facilitate healing the Planet.   NET has supreme faith in human beings. Faith that the Innate behaviors, motivations and ideals of Human Beings are virtuous and that when freed from ill health, these virtues are more apparent and manifested. [...]

2016-07-06T13:17:40+00:00July 6th, 2016|